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Mobile Optimized

Eastwood Automotive is a multi-channel retailer of products for automotive restoration. They have an avid customer base with automotive enthusiasts and hobbyists. However, their overall website conversion was less than optimal due to poor mobile conversion. Anecdotal evidence provided by the client and a review of Google Analytics showed that their clientele skewed older and used devices with smaller screen resolutions.


We looked for touchpoints throughout the site that could potentially improve the user experience. We ran several A/B tests, including a multi-variant test on the product grid layout – testing a larger product image, more prominent product names and pricing, a larger add-to-cart button making it easier to tap, and a simplified product grid for mobile. The winning variant increased mobile conversion by 33% in testing.  

Mobile Optimized
Product Mix
Product Mix Maximized

Rental World has two main product categories, party/event and equipment & tools. The new owner acquired a very diverse inventory with the purchase of the business and needed help identifying the best product mix.


After reviewing a year’s worth of rental data, we created a performance scale based on the product’s rental turns and revenue. Products at the high end of the scale were recommended as features on the homepage, in the brick-and-mortar showroom, and in marketing materials. Product bundles, cross-promotions and upsells were created for items in the middle of the scale. Also based on the product analysis, we were able to restructure the website navigation, and build a paid search and content marketing strategy for the client.  

Customer Targeting
Customer Targeting

Educational Testing Service (ETS) makes and administers standardized tests internationally, including the GRE, SAT, Praxis and TOEFL.  The managers of the Praxis teacher certification test wanted to create two reocurring campaigns to registered test takers: one to increase test prep purchases and one to increase registrations of Praxis II tests.


We worked with the client to develop and A/B test plan that would allow us to gauge the impact of both campaigns, to see if they were achieving their targets. After a month of deploying, we were able to determine the two campaigns were increasing test prep purchases and test registrations. However, after collecting six months of data we were able to determine the factors that made customers most likely to respond to the campaign. Based on those insights, we changed the targeting and timing of the campaigns, resulting in an additional 11% lift in performance. 

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